Mittwoch, 25. April 2007


- toast
- magarine
- smoked tofu=kochschinken
- canned pineapple
- tofutticheese
- cocktailkirsche

avocado-hummus-sammy (again:) )

perfect! tofu scramble

with green asparagus, green peppercorns, sundried tomatoes, green bell pepper.....

lemony nappa cabbage-rutabaga stew

Samstag, 21. April 2007

Donnerstag, 19. April 2007

my first "cheese"-sammy

THANKS, krawalla-san.

lovely apricot-tofu with spinach and creamy curried apricot´n´lime sauce


- onion
- apricot-marmelade
- limejuice
- veggie-stock
- s&p, curry
- soycream

cream of rutabaga soup

again without frying onions....i think it´s bettter for a pure taste of rutabaga....which is´nt easy to get.

Samstag, 14. April 2007

mango-glazed tofu with blanched spinach and coconutty tomatoe-cilantro sauce


- onion
- garlic
- chillie

best parnsnip soup i´ve made.....

- parsnip
- veggie-stock
- s&p,nutmeg,lemonjuice
- white part of scallions
- soycream
- lemonpeel

i just cooked the soup without frying onions ...i just added scallions before it was VERY simple and quick making this soup.

Freitag, 13. April 2007

lovely breakfast


- 300g soaked red lentils
- 1 onion
- garlic
- 1 tsp.:chillie,cumin,coriander,salt
- fresh parsley

tempeh in redwine-shiitake sauce with creamed parsnips

served with blached snowpeas.

Montag, 9. April 2007


rutabaga curry

- onion, garlic, ginger
- currypaste
- s&p, sugar, lemonjuice
- veggie-stock
- chillie
- rutabaga
- tomatoes (tinned)
- green peas
- coconutmilk
- cilantro

salad porn:

- shredded carrot
- " " rutabaga
- avocado
- soyghurt-dressing with persil,basil,melisses,cresses,tarragon
- baby-spinach
- cashews
- pineapple-glazed tofu
- raspberry-walnut-vinaigrette

creamed rutabaga-carrot soup

garnished with smoked tofu and cresses.

Sonntag, 8. April 2007

Mittwoch, 4. April 2007

yellow coconutty-tempeh curry

- onion
- garlic,ginger,currypowder,sugar,soysauce
- shiitake
- tempeh
- chillies
- green pepper
- soysprouts
- snowpeas
- lemonjuice
- cocnutmilk

Montag, 2. April 2007

portulaca salad with curried vinaigrette, sprouts, apples and cashews

apple´n´sweetpotatoe curry

- onion
- sweetpotatoe
- apple
- champignons
- chickpeasprouts
- curry,s&p,soysauce,sweetener,chillie
- veggie-stock
- whitewine
- lemonjuice
- soycream
- parsley

Sonntag, 1. April 2007

seitan with champignons and green peppercorns

- onion
- champignons
- seitan
- whitewine
- green peppercorns
- veggie-stock
- soycream
- parsley

curried cream of carrot soup

- leek
- garlic
- carrots
- parsnip
- garam masala,cumin,curry paste
- veggie-stock
- tomato paste
- mangochutney
- cocomilk
- parsley

"arabian night"

walnutty red cabbage salad, soyghhurt with mint,parsley-rice and a veggie-chickpea stew.

red curry

- onion
- tofu
- shiitake,red peppas,snowpeas
- cocomilk......usw., very tasty