Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2007

unperfekte bruschetta:

perfect: summer on a plate: spaghetti with roasted pepper sauce, grilled veggies and fried basil tofu


- olive oil (lot of...)
- onion, garlic
- yellow bell pepper
- canned tomatoes
- veggiestock,sugar,chillie

after frying and cooking blend all the ingredients.......YUMMY!


eines meiner ABSOLUTEN lieblingsessen.

Montag, 28. Mai 2007

creamy carrot-mango soup

- onion
- garlic
- lemongrass
- veggiestock
- canned tomatoes
- chillie,lemongrass,curry,soys.,sugar
- limejuice
- carrots&mango
- coconutmilk

apricot-glazed tofu with creamy apricot sauce and spinach

the sauce was simple:

- onion
- apricot-marmelade
- soys.,s&p,curry
- limejuice
- coconutmilk
- veggie-stock

herr rettich:

Montag, 21. Mai 2007

Samstag, 19. Mai 2007

lukewarm asparagus-strawberry salad with pumpkinseed-vinaigrette

cooked asparagus
roasted pumpkinseeds


- pumpkinseedoil
- lemonjuice
- s&p
- maplesyrup

Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007

raw breakfast: strawberry-mango-kiwi smoothie

raw "sushi"

very easy to make. served with shoyu.