marinated tofu
- smoked tofu
- mushrooms
- scallions
- red bell pepper
- roasted sesame seeds
- sweet-chillie-sauce
- soysauce
- sesame-oil
- lemonjuice
served with homemade mango-chutney, guacomole and hot cilantro-sauce

- white asparagus
- cherry-tomatoes
- sundried tomatoes
- oliveoil,balsamico
- salt,pepper
- basil
with green salad, walnutty beet´n´apple salad and rice.
with melted cherry tomatoes, rocket and roasted pine kernels.
- onion
- asparagus
- turnip
- veggiestock
- s&p
- lemonpeel,-juice
- soycream
- parsley

cooked beets
- mango
- roasted walnuts
- rocket
- maplesyrup
- lemonjuice
- s&p
- mustard
- walnutoil
- onion
- garlic
- s&p,sugar,redwine
- dried tomatoes
- carrots
- canned tomatoes
- fresh parsley