served over ebly. very fresh........and yummy.
- fennel
- carrots
- onion
- s&p,lemonjuice,-peel,fennelseeds!
- veggie-stock
- m-syrup
- soycream
- FRESH parsley, basil, cilantro
- okras
- daal
- coconutty beet curry
- basmati
- limepickles
- mangochutney
perfect, and all for me!
- onion
- celeriac
- sweet potatoe
- red bell pepper
- veggie stock
- s&p,maplesyrup
- lemonjuice,-peel
- soycream
- cilantro
- roasted sesame seeds
- onion
- salsify (cooked in lemony saltwater)
- champignons
- snowpeas
- veggie stock
- s&p,nutmeg,lemonjuice, -peel
- soycream
- parsley
- onion
- ginger
- s&p,curry,nutmeg,maplesyrup
- lemonjuice
- carrots
- apples
- coconutmilk
- tofu
- parsley
- tofu (marinade:fresh o-juice,soysauce,s&p,ginger,garlic,m-syrup,sesameoil)
- fennel
- scallions
- orangejuice,-peel
- s&p
- basil (HEAPS!)
soooo perfect! next time i´ll serve it over "wild"rice melange.
glazed tofu:
- p-a-m marmelade
- soysauce
- maplesyrup
- white wine
- fleur de sel, pepper
- o-juice
- lemonjuice
sweet-p püü (sweetpotatoes,cocomilk,limejuice,fleur de sel,pepper,nutmeg)
portulaca with cashews and vinaigrette
walnut vinaigrette:
- walnutoil
- lemonjuice
- maplesyrup
- fleur de sel
- black pepper

tofu (apricotmarmelade,soys.,o-juice,curry,m-syrup,ricewine,oliveoil,s&p)
- coconuttycarrortmash (carrots,potatoe,coconutmilk,limejjuice,nutmeg,v-stock)
- sauerkraut with ginger and mango sauce
- rapunzeln, apples, walnuts
- sauerkraut (onion, kümmel, lorbeerblatt, m-syrup,soys., s&p)
- "bratwurst"
- carrot´n´potatoe mash (carrots, potatoe, soycream, veggiestock,nutmeg,lemonpeel-juice,cresses)

turnip-sesame soup
- sake´n´sugar simmered pumpkin
- " " " shiitake
- parsley-cresses-lemon-miso topped tofu
- sprouts´n´wakame salad
- brown rice with v. furikake

- chicory
- avocado
- walnutvinaigrette (lemonjuice,fleur de sel,pepper,m-syrup,walnutoil)
- roasted walnuts
- hummus
- pickled beets
- shredded carrots
- alfalfa sprouts
with lemonpeel and -oil.
with a wanutty carrot´nápple salad and sprouts.
- brown rice with vegan furikake
- carrot´n´tofu "scramble"
- steamed spinach with sesame (tahini,m-syrup,soy)
- wakame salad
- onions
- tomatenmark
- guiness
- shiitake
- carrots,rutabaga,parsnip,celeriac
- red lentils
- soy-,mushroomsauce,s&p
- bayleaf,rosemary,majoram,thyme
- veggiestock
- nutritional yeast
- fresh parsley
- mashed potatoe (s&P,nutmeg,soycream)
- stir-fried leek ´n´cabbage
- kresse
- lemonjuice,-peel
- shallots
- brussels sprouts
- potatoe
- ginger,garlic
- soysauce,veggie-stock,curry,s&p,nutmeg
- lemonjuice
- soycream
- walnuts
MY BEST BS_SOUP EVER. the sweetness from the chutney....yumm.
- tempeh
- shalotte
- sauerkraut
- brown sugar
- soys.,balsamico,s&p
- canned tomatoes
- sundried tomatoes in oil
- fresh parsley
perfect. serve wih your favourite pasta.
- shallots
- brussels-sprouts
- curry,s&p,sugar,nutmeg
- ginger
- veggie-stock
- lemonpeel and -juice
- soycream
- fresh parsley
served with walnutty carrot-salad, brown rice and alfis.
- shalotte
- s&p,kümmel
- maple syrup
- soysauce
- veggie-stock
- ricewine
- sauerkraut
- dried cranberries
- rutabaga
- soycream
- lemonjuice,veggie-stock
- s&p,muskat,m_syrup
and the famous "KASSLER"! yeah.